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Research at IURS

The very foundations of IURS lie in the spirit of research and development. While every student and professional member of IURS is encouraged to increase their involvement in research activities related to robotics and intelligent systems, the core team known as the R&D Team (featured on the People page) is completely focused upon researching and developing robotic systems.

IURS holds the distinction of having developed the first AUV from India and still continues to pioneer in this field in India by having a dedicated research effort that works on developing software, electrical and electronic hardware, mechanical systems, sensors and all other related systems in-house while also focusing upon algorithmic development for the navigational and control systems of robots and intelligent systems.

Research at IURS has currently encompassed development of active and passive acoustic sonar systems, underwater computer vision based robotic vehicle control architecture, modular AUV design, long-term deployment unmanned systems, remotely operated underwater vehicle systems, autonomous navigational sensory fusion and light weight portable system design. However, in the coming months, with a growing research team size IURS will be expanding its activities to also include development of robotic ground and aerial vehicle systems.

Though some of the work done at IURS has also been performed elsewhere across the world, what makes IURS' effort unique is the focus on developing all technologies with a low-cost and portable nature.

Most developing nations are a part of the world that is still largely uninitiated to the fields of Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Unmanned Systems. As such, the low-cost technology development focus is extremely important since most developing nations cannot afford to invest large sums of money in to technologies.

Until 2006 IURS was primarily a group focused upon developing systems solely for the purpose of competing in the US Navy's Office of Naval Research (ONR) & AUVSI's International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition. However, realizing the potential robotic technologies hold for the developing world, IURS is now committed to not-for-profit research in this field in order to encourage commercial adoption and applications of robots, unmanned systems, sensors & sensor netwokrs and the related technologies.

Currently, IURS is also developing research programs for students at colleges and exploring the option of granting fellowships to well qualified research oriented students to carry out research at their parent institutions. In addition, guidance in college research activity and summer trainings are also being provided to students keen on honing their research skills in the area.

Please feel free to explore our website to learn about our work and contact us in case of any questions.

Copyright © 2004-2007 Indian Underwater Robotics Society